Established September 15, 2001

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Day..HAHA

This post is long overdue, but owell...I still want to share our Snow Day with everyone.

Well all week we had been experiencing much colder weather then we usually have in Texas. It had already iced over in the Dallas area. Well, they were expecting between 1 to 3in (I think that is what it was) of snow on Friday, Fed. 4th. I was glad when my school district decided early to cancel school on Friday. I commute an hour to school and I wanted to take advantage of the sleeping in:) Therefore, Thursday night Kane and I went to Randalls and loaded up on comfort food for our BIG snowstorm we were going to get!!!

Smores to make by a nice hot fire!!!

Lily and her Smore:)

Kane helping Lily make her Smore!!

Hurry up and make my Smore:)
We also made Valentine Cookies!!!
Can't forget the big pot of Chicken and Dumplings...yummy!!!

Well, lets just say that snow storm that was going to blow through never happened. We did get some ice on the roads which made the roads messy. I am thankful that my school district did close the schools, because I would not have driven to school with the roads iced over. But we were ALL disappointed that we did not get ANY snow at all:( Overall I was glad we got the day off because I sure did need the break!!!!
This was Lily and Kane on that Saturday raking the backyard. As you can see NO SNOW:(

My beautiful baby girl!!!
So there you have that is what we did for the BIG Snowstorm of 2011:)

5 Question Friday

1. Can you drive a stick shift? If I had to I could...I used to drive Kane's Car when we were dating. Not sure if I drove it properly, but I got it from point A to point B:)

2. What are two foods you just can't eat? Goodness this is hard...I like almost anything. But I would have to say oysters and liver. Unless I was starving to death and that was the ONLY thing left I would eat them I guess...but No Thanks!!!

3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind? YES...I am a teacher so I always end up buying one too many boxes!!! I LOVE Thin Mints and the Peanut Butter Patties...yummy!!!

4. How do you pamper yourself? Well...this is so sad to say...I don't:( I don't ever take time for myself. I do however allow time to spend a few hours with friends without my husband or daughter...but most of the time any extra time or money we have we spend on Lily. I always feel guilty when I spend money on myself and not on her!!

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it? I don't really have one. My husband will sometimes call me kiddo. Not sure why he does. Lily of course calls me Mom. When I was younger my older brother called me "Miss Piggy" Other than those, I don't really have one anymore!!!

Now go link up with at My Little Life!!!

Five Minute Friday Prompt: Five Years Ago

This is my first time linking up for Five Minute Friday with The Gypsy Mama

Here are the rules:

1. Write your heart out for five minutes and then show us what you’ve got.
2. Tell your readers you’re linking up here and invite them to play along.
3. And most importantly, go visit, read, and encourage the fellow five-minuter who linked up right before you.

This weeks prompt is to spend five minutes writing about where you were or what you were doing 5 years ago.

Here's a brief summary of my life 5 years ago.

5 years ago was Feb. of 2006. I was living in Las Vegas, while Kane was living here in Houston. I was living in Vegas to finish up my Degree in Elementary Education at UNLV. I was doing my pre-student teaching classes. I was teaching 5th grade twice a week for the whole semester. My life was not very interesting at the time. All I did was go to school, go to work either subbing or working at Linens and Things, volunteering at Opportunity Village (special needs center) or hanging out at my apartment by myself. I tried to stay busy as much as possible because I missed my husband. I spent alot of time with some good friends, Sheena, Laura or Adri on the weekends to pass the time. I have to say from Nov 05 to Aug 06 had to be one of the hardest years of my life. Living away from husband for close to a year was hard. It was different when he was in the military because I knew I could not see him when he got deployed, but it was 10 times harder knowing he was only three states away. Let's just say we spent alot of money on plane tickets.

Time...hopefully it makes sense!!! go link up with The Gypsy Mama:)