Established September 15, 2001

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our First Getaway!!!

Kane and I had our first getaway without Lily. I have not spent one night away from daughter when Kane and I went on our little getaway. We went to La Torretta Spa and Resort. They are in the process of redoing it, so it still needs alot of work but it was really nice to just layout and enjoy spending time with Kane!!!

Here is the resort from the outside.

Kane and I laying by the pool.

Playing some putt putt golf.

That's me making it in the hole:)

As you can see...I BEAT Kane!!! Whooh:)

Our View from our room...not a bad view, at least we could see Lake Conore!!

We had a great time away. We were able to enjoy ourselves without having to tend to Lily. I missed her like crazy but we had a great time and I think she had a BETTER time spending time with her Aunt Wendy, Grammy and Papa!!! I can't wait for us to have another getaway!!

Mini-Vacation to my Parent's House

I am finally getting around to posting mine and Lily's trip to my parent's house. Lily and I left on Monday to head that way. They live in Mansfield so its about a 3hour or so drive.

Lily on the way to my parent's house.

Lily playing a video game after we got to my mom's house.

On Tuesday we went to Hawaiian Falls. It is a local water park. It's not very big but it was big enough for Lily and Aidan to have a great time. I went down a few slides too:)

Lily eating lunch.

Lily playing in the water. She had a great time!!

My nephew Aidan eating his lunch.

Close up of Lily!!!

Mommy and Lily!!

After a day at Hawaiian Falls we took a lonnng nap and then we played outside. Lily loved my parents dog Rocky!!! One of these days I want to get Lily a little dog:)

Lily playing in Aidan's truck.
Thursday I went to Kane's sister house to drop off Lily for the weekend. I left on Friday to go back home so that Kane and I could enjoy our very first weekend getaway. It was nice to just chill out and not have to tend to a 2-year old. I missed her alot...but it was GREAT!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My LATE 5 Questions Friday!!!

I am a day late...but I was at school ALL day yesterday!!! After school I came home and took a 3hour nap:) O-well its okay!!!

1. Are you a neat sleeper or a messy sleeper?
Yes I am...Now that we finally have Lily out of our bed...I can spread out like I want too!!! After being married for 9 years...Kane is used to my sleeping habits...I haven't hit him yet...but I usually do end up with a leg or an arm or two over him:)

2. Fill in the blank. I wish I was more....decorative. Meaning I am not very good at it when it comes to interior design. It took me about two years to pick my kitchen colors because I could not visually see it. My living room only has a mirror and three crosses on the wall...I still haven't painted in here. Lily's room was ALL Kane's idea!!!

3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about? Hmm...that is a hard one. I can't really think of anything that I wish I was warned about. I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason. You learn from your mistakes, so I think I would not want to be warned about anything because it may be life lesson that I may need:)

4. What was the best thing you ever found at a garage sale/flea market?
My friend and I went to a flea market in Las Vegas...and they had some fake Coach shoes... I think I paid like 10bucks for them!!! They were fake of course but hey they were cute:)

5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be? Its not a meal but I would LOVE LOVE some Starbucks right now!!! Kane is actually on his way right now going to get me some:)