Established September 15, 2001

Sunday, May 23, 2010

No more....

PACIFIERS!!!!! Lily is officially done with her "paci" On May 10th I picked Lily up from daycare with a 103 fever...ughh:( We just got done with a fever the week before. My first thought ear infection again...well Kane took off from work to take her to the doctor. She still had her two ear infections. He wants to see her back the beginning of June to talk about going to an ENT. Well, back to the paci story. Monday night she gave me the paci and said "Mommy it hurts." Since then she hasn't asked for that it!!! Whooh:) I wanted to post some of my favorite pictures of Lily and her paci!!!

One of my ALL time favorite pictures of Lily!!!
She even had to have the "paci" when it was time for bed.

Or even when hiding in the cabinet from her NaNa:)
It's hard being a princess but having her "paci" its easy!!!

The "paci" was her best friend.

Bye Bye finally to that "paci":) The next step to get Lily to sleep in her own bed!!! That's the goal this summer!! Which btw I have 7 days of school left...whooh:)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week in the Life...Day 5,6, and 7

I officially suck at this blogging thing. Not sure if it is because I didn't take enough pictures or my life is not very interesting. Either way I am going to do my last three days in one post because we didn't do much this weekend.

Friday~ Started off at 5:30, I actually got out of bed on time. Most people start their mornings off listening to music or watching the news. My mornings start off with Blue's Clue!!!

Lily and I got out the door on time. I was right on time to work Friday...yay for me!!! Well after school I rushed home because we had company coming. Kane has a good friend that he has known since the military that lives in Beaumont. He got off work early and came up on Friday. Kane and I play an online game (more Kane than I) called World of Warcraft. Well, we have played with the same group of people for almost three years now. Well, a friend of ours Doug drove in from Atlanta and Jenn who lives here in Houston drove up to the house. Kane cooked us all some steaks for dinner:)

Saturday~ My morning start off with a morning run in the neighborhood. I am planning on running my first half-marathon in November, so I am trying to get myself ready for it:) Kane and Bruce was nice enough to go get me some Starbucks while I went for a run. They got me my normal White Chocolate Mocha:) We all met up for lunch at Macaroni Grill before heading out to go bowl!!

Lily and I

After lunch we headed to the bowling alley. Here is the score of the first game...I actually beat all the boys..hehe:)
It is not the best picture but I am the first "J" on the screen on the right with 126 points...I was very proud of myself. Lily had a great time too keeping score!!!

Here are the last bit of pictures I took:
Jenn and I

The boys: Doug, Bruce, Kane and Lily

Sunday~ We haven't done much today. We hung out at the house and cleaned up after everyone left. Kane took me to Chili's for lunch. We met up with my parents for a bit on their way out of town. We did the usual grocery shopping and that's about it. I am now sitting here watching Army Wives and then it will be off to bed for me!!! I hope you guys enjoyed the Week in the Life of me. Like I said, my weeks are not very interesting, it is usually the same thing every day: drive, school, drive again, gym, home, dinner, bed:) Night everyone have a great week!!!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week in the Life of....has been delayed:)

I will update the Week in the life tomorrow evening. We have company coming tomorrow evening and I have to get my house cleaned up!!! So, I will blog tomorrow time right now!!! I apologize to my, maybe, two readers I have:)

Week in the Life...Day 4

I got off to a late start today as always. I did however made it to school only 5 minutes late today:) My very sweet neighbor Beth made us some homemade banana bread. It was a very yummy breakfast.

I dropped Lily off today at Happy Days.

It was a normal day at Owens. Here are some pictures of my classroom. I teach in an open-concept building. Meaning we have no walls or doors. My first year it took alittle getting used to, but now I don't even notice it:)

My Desk

I did really well not eating out this week, but I broke down Thursday and had Chick-Fil-A for lunch. It was yummy as always:)

After school it was time for the gym. Thursday I decided to go to the gym to workout. I have a membership at Gold's Gym and love it.It is literally 5 minutes from the house, so there is no excuse why I should not go!!!

After the gym I rushed home to get my house clean. We had company coming in on Friday, so I needed to get the house clean. When I got home I found Kane and Lily playing with her blocks on the floor.

Well rest of the evening I cleaned my house and did laundry. I didn't get to bed till about 11:00 or so.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week in the life...Day 3

Today started at 6:00 am instead of my usual 5:30 am. I am so sore from head to toe that I could not drag myself out of bed this morning. Lily is still not feeling 100%, but who would after running a fever for four days straight?!?! Lily finally got moving about 6:45. We should be walking out the door at 6:45 to start our hourly commute:( Finally, we got out the door at 7:10. I already knew I was going to be late to school; therefore, I decide it was a Starbucks kind of morning.

My ALL time favorite drink is an Iced White Chocolate Mocha, nonfat milk with no whip cream. I have to cut the calories somewhere:)

I forgot to take a picture until it was almost gone:)

I finally dropped Lily off at 8:15 at her daycare. She goes to a local daycare called Happy Days. I absolutely LOVE her daycare. They are very friendly, clean and she has learned tons since starting there. The ONLY drawback, they have TONS of kids. I believe that is why she stays sooo sick:(

Lily usually takes a mid-morning nap before we arrive. I would too if I had to ride in a car every morning for an hour:(

Finally, I arrive at school. I am supposed to be at school at 8:00am. Most mornings I don't get there till about 8:05 or so. Lately, its been about 8:20 or so:( Thank God there is only 4 weeks of school left...whooh:) Its was a normal day at Owens, just teaching Math and Science to my 3rd Graders!!!

Today on the lunch menu for me was: Ham Sandwich, pudding and animal cookies.

Most of the time I eat my lunch at my desk. The third grade teachers have the best schedule. The kids go to Large Group, which is our planning period, at 11:15. Then they have lunch from 12:10 to 12:40 with recess following from 12:40 to 1:10. Since I only teach Math and Science, the Language Arts teachers switch with us on lunch and recess duty. Every other week we have over an hour break before we have to pick up the kids. On those weeks, most days I eat out:( I am trying to be better about it, but its really hard not to just go get Chick-Fil-A or Firehouse subs when we have an hour to eat!!!

Today after school we had our 3rd Grade Ice Cream and Movie Party!! I finally got home around 6:30 and since it is Cinco de Mayo we decide to go have Mexican food.

It has been a great week so far. I can't believe that tomorrow is Thursday:) Until tomorrow...have a great night everyone!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week in the Life of....Day 2

Well today started off at 6:00am...I actually slept in because Lily had to stay home with Kane because she spiked a fever of 103 last night:( My day was not very interesting. I arrived at school at 7:30. We had Memories with Mom at school so it was a crazy morning. I teach third grade Math and Science. In Math we are working on multiplying 2 digits by one digit, fun fun!!!

This is one of my students working on a math problem on our smartboard.

In Science, we are talking about animal groups and their habitats. I love this unit. I enjoy talking about different animals and how they interact with other animals. Today, we talked about a Frog's Life Cycle and Metamorphosis. They had to draw the life cycle, label the stages and color it.

This is one of the better drawings today!!!

My school day ends at 4:00. With my hour commute I try to leave school no later than 4:15. Well today it took me about an hour and half to get home...why you ask...well this is why...TRAFFIC

On most days I enjoy my commute because I enjoy listening to KSJB which is the local Christan Station. It gets me through the mornings and afternoons when I just want to scream!!!

When I got home Lily was waiting for me at the door (no picture, Kane is not into the whole blogging thing, he thinks it is silly). So, we got ready to for are evening run. This time Lily and Kane went with me. Kane pushed Lily while I ran behind them.

Lily and I after my run, don't mind the red face!!

Well, its time for bed and its time to give Lily her round of medicine. She has to get her antibiotic for her ear infections, eye drops for her pink eye and nose spray for her allergies. Let's just say she will not be a happy camper here in about 5 minutes:(

All of her meds!!
Have a great night...Night:)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week in the Life of....Day 1

My normal Monday starts at 5:30am when the alarm clock goes off for me to get up and get ready for school. However, since Lily was sick this was not a normal Monday. Lily and I got up at 8:30 to call and make her an appointment to see Dr. McPhearson. Her appointment was at 10:30, so we got ready to go. Lily has been going through this stage that she wants to do "EVERYTHING" by herself. Which I am okay with, but today she insisted on putting her shoes on. Well five minutes later she was still trying to put her shoes on. She wanted no help from mommy. Every time I even came close she would yell "No Mommy, I can do it"

So here is Lily still sitting in the chair trying to put her shoes on. Finally, I just took her and put her in the car. She successfully put her shoes on when he got to the doctors office, but they were on the WRONG feet. At least she tried:)

I absolutely LOVE are doctor and the staff that work there. They are so friendly. We see Dr. McPhearson who works for Conroe Pediatrics. We have probably seen every doctor that works there in the past two years. Every single one of them care about our children:)

This is Lily at the doctors office!!!

After the doctor's appointment we went to walmart to fill her prescriptions. Which by the way she ended up having a double ear infection and pink eye. After, that we went home and hung out. We ate some lunch and she took a nap. Kane came home about 3:30pm. Lily and I are NEVER home when he gets home, so I always like to have Lily meet her daddy on the steps when he gets home.

As for the rest of the day, I went for a run right before dinner. Kane cooked chicken on the grill. After dinner was done it was bath time for Lily. I just got done cleaning my carpets. We have company coming on Friday and I HATE HATE when my carpets are dirty:) Hopefully, tomorrow will be more interesting for everyone!!! I plan on taking more pictures:) to bed I go:)

Week in the Life of....

My friend Melissa participated in "Week in the Life" so I am going to attempt it also! Mine probably will not be as interesting as hers (she is a much better blogger than me), but I am going to attempt it. So here goes...

Well, today start off with Lily still not feeling well. She was up late last night with a slight fever. When I was younger I would run fevers if I didn't get enough sleep. Well, since we haven't been going to bed at a decent time I just thought she was running one of her normal low grade fevers. She woke up this morning about 7:30am after finally falling asleep about 2:00am with both eyes matted(sp) shut. Her eyes have done this before when she was really congested. So, I clean her eyes up and we go back to bed. She wakes up again at 9:00am ready to watch cartoons and eat breakfast. Her eyes were alittle swollen from being matted shut. We hung out all morning just watching cartoons. We got ready to do our normal Sunday routine...minus going to church. On our way to lunch Lily felt warm...checked her temperature and it was 102. So, back home after lunch, we gave her some Tylenol and I went grocery shopping by myself. The rest of the day was spent hanging out at the house, doing laundry and taking care of Lily. Her fever broke, but her eyes look horrible. They are puffy, pink and running with nasty discharge. To me it looks like Pink Eye, but the nurse on the phone doesn't think it is because of the fever. I guess we just have to wait till tomorrow to find out!! Which by the way, I have officially used ALL of my ten sick days this year:(:( As one of my friends said, "The Life of a Mommy" Well, I just got done writing my sub plans and its time for me to go to bed. I will try hard to post every night. I can't promise it, but I will try!!!