Established September 15, 2001

Friday, April 30, 2010

Goodbye April...Hello May!!!

I can not believe that tomorrow is May already:) Well TAKS testing is over...whooh!!! My students had to do two days of testing...Tuesday was Math and Wedensday was Reading. They did awesome!!! I am soooo proud how hard they have worked over the past few months. They really did an awesome job. Many of my students who can not stay still to save thier lives, worked so hard and did awesome. Hopefully we get the scores back soon...I HATE waiting:( Well, tomorrow starts May and that means thier is only 4 weeks and 2 days of school left...YAY!!!!! I always love the summer time. Its my time to catch up with my daughter. I miss so much during the school year. She has grown so much this past year:) So, the plans for this weekend is....NOTHING!!! The only thing I will do is finish mopping my floors and clean my carpets, other than that NOTHING!!!! Have a great night everyone:)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easter, Wedding, Cookoff

Wow, I cant believe how fast the month of April has flown by. Before I know it, it will be May!! Which I am okay with. That only means a few more weeks of school and then its summer time:) Well, we have been no stop busy since Spring Break. The last weekend of March was the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at our church. Lily really enjoyed Easter Egg hunting this year.

Lily in front of the church.

Lily and I.

Waiting for the Easter egg hunt to begin.

Picking her eggs up. Lily would shake every single one before she would put it in the basket. She was so excited to hear something rattle inside the egg.

Lily with ALL her eggs!!

The next weekend was Easter Weekend. We had a friend come in to town and spend the weekend with us. We stayed up Saturday night and decorated Easter eggs. As you can see by the pictures Lily got into the decorating.

Lily coloring the eggs.

Putting the final touches on the eggs. (stickers)

Easter morning with Mommy. I bought her that hat last year of Easter. She didn't want to wear it last year, but this year she didn't want to take it off her head:)

The Peek Family on Easter!!

The next weekend, April 10th, was Melissa's wedding. Friday evening we had to take a trip to the ER because Kane sliced a hole on the side of his finger sharpening a pencil with a box cutter:( Not very smart!!! Well, we got up late on Saturday, but luckily the wedding was in College Station so we didn't have far to go!!! We had a great time celebrating with our friends. Melissa was a beautiful bride. Lily would just sit there a stare at Melissa. I think maybe Lily thought Melissa was a princess!!!
Lily blowing bubbles in front of the church.

Me, Beth, Melissa and Jennifer at the Wedding.

Now, that brings me to this weekend. This weekend was the Montgomery County BBQ Cook off. We were invited last year to meet some of Kane's co-workers up there who enter every year. We were invited again this year under one condition, I bring them my homemade banana pudding:) So, last night I stayed up till midnight making banana pudding!!! It was worth the time because they feed me some awesome BBQ today!!! We had smoked brisket, chicken, ribs and sausage!! Can you say I probably gained 5 pounds today. After eating lunch we decide to walk around and let Lily see the animals and ride a few rides.
Lily in front of the fake pigs!! She thought they were real:)

Lily loved loved the animals. Here is Lily petting the baby goat!!
The rest of April is going to continue to fly by. Next weekend we have Noah's 3rd birthday party. Kane will be out of town turkey hunting with his friend. I guess that means it will be a girl's weekend:) Then the following week is TAKS testing. My kiddos have been preparing for this test ALL year. I am just as nervous and excited as they are!!! Wish my kiddos luck!!!