Established September 15, 2001

Friday, April 22, 2011

5 Question Friday

Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then go link up here!!!

1. What is your favorite Easter tradition? Well, I don't really have any Easter tradition yet!!! I will however start an Easter tradition this year. I will be making these Easter Cookies with Lily this year and plan to every year!!! I really want her to understand the meaning behind Easter and not just because the Easter Bunny comes!!!

2. Are you a "shower" or a "long, hot bath" kind of person? I am a shower girl. I rarely take baths. If I do its because I am stressed or so tired that I just need some "me"time!!!

3. Can you parallel park and if so when is the last time you did it? I am very proud to say that I can parallel park. I don't do it often but can if I need to!!! The last time I did it...don't remember because I don't go out of my way to make sure I need to do it.

4. What is your favorite Easter candy? I don't really have a favorite Easter candy. I do like the Recess Eggs...but I wouldn't say my favorite.

5. Easter: do you go all out with the Easter Bunny or focus on the religious part of the holiday? We will focus more on the religious part with Lily and the reason behind Easter. But we will also do the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg hunting!!! Easter has to be one of my favorite holiday's. I love shopping for a cute Easter dress for Lily, getting her things for her Easter basket and just spending time with my family!!! It has been a HARD 6 months with Kane being laid off, but if there is one thing I have learned through this experience is that GOD will not give me more than I can handle at one time!!! I have become so much more closer to him through this journey. And I want to celebrate HIM and everything Jesus did for us this Easter!!!

Now go Link up...I want to see your answers!!! Happy Easter:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a lovely Easter! :) I did even though I got a cold but at least the family was all together.

And now those dreadful Peeps will be gone from the stores! LOL :)