Established September 15, 2001

Friday, June 17, 2011


5 Minute Friday is always so much fun over at The Gypsy Mama...unfortunately I haven't had anytime to do any blogging:( So, here are the rules:

Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
Ready, Set, Go...9:48

Home is here...we have lived in our current home for 4 years now.Before that we lived in Las Vegas. That wasn't really home to us. It was where we lived, but it wasn't where we wanted to raise kids. Now, here in this home, is where we will raise our kids. Here in this home, is where we will spend many holidays, birthdays, anniversary's, tears, laughs, and family get together's. I can't believe that almost a year ago we wanted to sale this home:( I am glad it didn't sell because we already have too many memories in this home that I can never replace.

However, this home needs some work:( Right now it needs to be cleaned, the toys need to be picked up, the laundry needs to be done, the dishwasher needs to be ran, Lily's playroom needs t be cleaned....but ALL that is okay, because that is what makes my HOME!!!


Now go link up and join in on the fun!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I totally relate to that last paragraph. Your home, like mine, sounds well lived and well loved. Hopped over from GypsyMama.