Established September 15, 2001

Friday, February 25, 2011

5 Question Friday

1. Can you drive a stick shift? If I had to I could...I used to drive Kane's Car when we were dating. Not sure if I drove it properly, but I got it from point A to point B:)

2. What are two foods you just can't eat? Goodness this is hard...I like almost anything. But I would have to say oysters and liver. Unless I was starving to death and that was the ONLY thing left I would eat them I guess...but No Thanks!!!

3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind? YES...I am a teacher so I always end up buying one too many boxes!!! I LOVE Thin Mints and the Peanut Butter Patties...yummy!!!

4. How do you pamper yourself? Well...this is so sad to say...I don't:( I don't ever take time for myself. I do however allow time to spend a few hours with friends without my husband or daughter...but most of the time any extra time or money we have we spend on Lily. I always feel guilty when I spend money on myself and not on her!!

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it? I don't really have one. My husband will sometimes call me kiddo. Not sure why he does. Lily of course calls me Mom. When I was younger my older brother called me "Miss Piggy" Other than those, I don't really have one anymore!!!

Now go link up with at My Little Life!!!

1 comment:

Beth McC. said...

Loved reading all your answers!! Such a fun post! I have to say even if I was starving I dont think I could choke down an oyster!