Established September 15, 2001

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Update on Us

Well, its been a crazy year so year that is. It is my fourth year teaching and I finally feel like I know what I am doing. That is crazy to say, but I taught 2nd for two years and then was moved to third grade. I always thought my third year would be the easiest year. But with being moved to a new grade level and that grade level being a TAKS grade I put alot of pressure on myself to do well. I had a great year last year and I was looking forwarded to this year. So far, it has been wonderful. I am comfortable with the material and I am actually enjoying every minute of it:)

It's been even a crazier year for Kane and I. The beginning of the year was not very exciting. This summer Kane and I started making some big changes in our lives. He was very unhappy at his job. Therefore, we decide that he needed to start pursuing other careers. We put our house on the market in September in hopes that he could join the Navy. Well, the house hasn't sold yet, so the Navy thing not sure its going to happen:( That's okay...he has tons of other options out there. Well, just recently he was laid off:( Now, he stays home with Lily while I bring home the bacon...haha:) Just joking!!! He is going to take this time to find the job that he wants. He has many leads already on a few jobs, but we do not want to jump into anything until he makes sure that is what he wants to do!!! So, we shall see where this adventure takes us. In the meantime, our house is still on the market and I am picking up tutoring and selling lots of SCENTSY!!!

Here is a few pictures of us in the last couple of months:

Lily at her 1st Astro's Game (August)

My surprise Birthday Dinner (September)

Jennifer, Isabel, Me, Anabel, Amanda, and Wendy
Lily at a pumkin patch in Dallas. (October)

Us at the pumkin patch in Dallas.

Lily as Jessie for Halloween. She loved this costume:)

Well that is what we have been up to the last couple of months. Nothing to exciting, just alot of changes in the last couple of months. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason and one day we will know that REASON!!!

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